martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

Nature vs. Nurture is a term used about the hereditary and the environmental aspects of people. It is a term where people ask if the trait they have is nature or nurture that makes them that way. The first person who used this term was Francis Galton. Galton was a close cousin of Charles Darwin and was highly influenced by Darwin's book. After reading the book, Galton came up with the theory of nature versus nurture.
 The topics discussed in this debate are many. They can vary from morals to personality and everything in between. The overall belief is that social behaviors are a nurture because your personality can change with the people you are surrounded by. And for nurture they debate homosexuality. This is debated because they do not know if someone is born gay or born straight. I personally agree in the Nature vs. Nurture debate because many personal traits people are born with and many are gained from the environment they live in.

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