Phineas Gage worked as a foreman in railroad construction. At the age of 25 Gage went through a accident that would change his life and the life of many for years to come. While working Gage's job was to pack in dynamite into a hole to blow up parts of mountians. One day, while he was packing it in, a spark lit and the dynamite exploded in Gage's face. As a result, the tampinig iron he was using shot back at his face and went through his cheek bone up to tht top part of his skull. When the iron went through it took a chunk of his brain out with it. As a result of this accident Phineas went through many life changes as well. Being that he lived and had a part of brain missing, Gage became very socially challenged. His bitterness changed and everyone around him no longer enjoyed being with him. His mentality was now rude and very bitter. With this case study we learned that different parts of the brain control different parts of the body and systems. In his case, with the frontal lobe gone, he was no longer able to conrtrol his feelings or actions. After this case the theory of brain localization came. This theory states that different parts of the brain control different things and that the brain works together to control your whole body.

Brain lateralization states that the brain is sepreated into two peices and that each side of the brain is contrling the opposite sides of the body.
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